After 2 consecutive years of meeting in November 2021 and March 2022, University Al-Azhar Indonesia and the Institute of Arabic Manuscript officially signed up the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on September 13, 2022. The agenda, which was held in hybrid format at 16.00 WIB, was attended by the Director of the Institute of Arabic Manuscript, Dr. Mourad Al-Rifi, the Attaché of Education and Culture of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Egypt, Prof. Bambang Suryadi, Ph.D, The Functional Executive of Information, Social and Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Egypt, Dr. Rahmat Aming Lasim, and all the officers of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Egypt and the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts.

Coupled with that, the event was also followed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc. as Rector of University Al-Azhar Indonesia, Vice Rectors, all the Dean of the Vice Dean of UAI’s faculties, Director of Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. In Suryaningsih, S.S., M.A., Head of Office of International Affairs, Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar, Lc., M.M., and all the Head of Departments of UAI.

Before the signing moment, the event started with a Quran recitation by Sultan Ariq Faisal Bahri, S.Sos and continued to sing the National Anthem of Indonesia, “Indonesia Raya”. After those events, Prof. Bambang Suryadi, Ph.D delivered a speech as the representative of H. E. Dr. (HC) Luthfi Rauf as the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Egypt. He expressed his gratitude that he could help to pave the way to this event as the both parties finally were able to reach the agreement.

The speech from Prof. Bambang, then, was correlated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc., as the Rector of UAI. He was very grateful for the signing agreement and also stated that he thoroughly appreciate the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Egypt for their facilitation and the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts Arab Organization for Education Culture and Science for having an everlasting cooperation that will be followed with a more vigorous projects in the future endeavor.

The next opening remark was conveyed by Dr. Mourad Al-Rifi, he felt relieved that this MoU has been implemented especially by having a partner from Indonesia. Indonesia has a potential in becoming the main target for expanding the Arab manuscripts and there is a big possibility for Indonesia to produce many outstanding researchers. He expected that all the points of the MoU can be fulfilled by both parties as to continue the promising talk of cooperation and the plan of the procurement of the International Symposium in Arabic since it is integral in disseminating Islamic and Arabic Knowledge and transcripts that is based on his proposal at the previous meeting.

Indonesian is commonly known for having deep Islamic values that is compatible within the Islamic manuscript; modern yet tolerant
Dr. Mourad Al-Rifi
In the same way, Egypt is one of the scientific countries that has become the center of Islamic literature and manuscripts in the Arab world. This achievement has led them to contribute an excellent progress for Islamic civilization. Because of this reason, they trigger for their people to continue to expand their knowledge as this is also the reason why manuscript researchers are the most valuable assets of the Arab League.

Henceforth, the first-ever collaboration between both parties would be one of an essential chance for mutual benefits. Institute of Arabic Manuscripts and Arab Organization for Education Culture and Science (ALECSO) can promote Arab intellectual unity through education, culture and sciences, and enhancing the educational, cultural and scientific level in the Arab World, specifically Arabic manuscript sciences to UAI as it can positively contribute to universal civilization. Meanwhile, UAI can provide its Academica by experiencing, learning, analyzing about the manuscript in the Arab World (FA & TSH).