After almost two years of cooperation, Dr. Shih, Hsuan-Chang, the Director of TIUL finally visited the University Al-Azhar Indonesia on Monday (1/8).
The visit began when Dr. Shih, as the Director of TIUL, visited TIUL’s Jakarta office on the 2nd floor and was welcomed in the Serbaguna Room on the same floor to deliver his presentation. While presenting, Dr. Shih exemplified that he, alongside other researchers in TIUL and NTPU, would invite UAI and Indonesian scholars to their upcoming research collaboration. The collaborative research topic itself will dwell in the field of: (1) urban tourism, (2) real estate and urban development, and (3) community resilience.

We believe this is a good opportunity to expand the teaching network, especially for Taiwan which is in need of international teaching resources. As you can see, Taiwan actually needs a lot of resources from the international community because we are currently going through a demographic crisis
(Dr. Shih)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc. as the Rector of UAI, Vice Rectors, The Deans of University Al-Azhar Indonesia, Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar, Lc., M.M. as Head of the Office of International Affairs, and other UAI Officials were also in attendance. After the presentation came to an end, Dr. Shih and Prof. Asep Saefuddin then exchanged souvenirs from both universities.

In addition, Dr. Shih, as one of NTPU’s researchers, would like UAI to conduct a teaching collaboration project with NTPU. This teaching collaboration was created in order to broaden the teaching perspective, both for Taiwanese students at NTPU and Indonesian students at UAI. In the future, this teaching collaboration project is also expected to provide benefits for the teachers involved, especially in the field of teaching experience that includes more international levels.

For this past year, according to the agreement on international cooperation between NTPU and UAI which was signed in 2021, both universities have mutually established good relations and believe that this relation will be more productive for years to come. Because of this good relations, for one year cooperation, UAI-NTPU’s relations already had several progresses, such as promoting NTPU and TIUL from UAI’s side in Indonesia, contributing awareness of New Southbound Policy, and also successfully introduced TIUL to our entire faculties back in September 2021. (FA)